Good Lottery Numbers vs Bad
If lottery drawings are random events, then any combination of numbers you play in a lottery game should have the same probability of winning, right?
Not exactly. Lottery drawings are random events. However, after every drawing a non-random event occurs, which is all numbers selected are rearranged in ascending order (lowest to highest). Changing the order of the winning numbers also changes the probability of certain numbers appearing as the first, second, third, (etc.) number in a winning number combination.
A coin toss is a random event with three possible outcomes, heads, tails, or edge. Prior to flipping the coin we can guess but we don't know with any certainty which of the three possible outcomes has the highest probability of occurring.
We could have the coin analyzed to determine if it is weighted in such a way as to favor one side or the other. We could also just start flipping the coin to see what happens most frequently. If after 100 flips the results were, heads=80, tails=20, and edge=0, we can assume that chosing heads with this particular coin will give us the greatest probability of winning in future flips.
The same process can be used to determine probability of numbers and patterns occurring in a lottery game. That is, after hundreds of drawings have taken place, through analysis we can identify the numbers and patterns that appear most frequently (those with the greatest probability of winning). Using this information we can make the best choices about the numbers we choose to play in the game.
Number Frequency
As winning numbers are rearranged in ascending order, we know that the first number in a winning number combination will always be the lowest number selected regardless of the order in which it was selected. We also know that the second number will be the next highest number selected, and so on.
Imagine then, five empty containers sitting in a row that will each receive one of five winning numbers selected in a lottery game drawing (after they have been arranged in ascending order). We know that the first container will always receive the lowest number selected. Therefore, after hundreds of drawings have taken place, we can analyze the contents of the first container to determine which numbers appear in the container most frequently. The same analysis is repeated for each of the remaining four containers.
After all of the five containers have been analyzed, we will have data that will show with reasonable accuracy the range of numbers with the greatest probability of appearing in container one, container two, and so on.
Number Patterns
The following are examples of number patterns that appear in winning number combinations:
- Odd and even number patterns
- High and low number patterns
- Consecutive number patterns
- Common number patterns
- Number group patterns
To determine the best number patterns to play in a lottery game, we use analysis to identify each of the number patterns that have appeared most frequently in past winning number combinations.
We offer two products to make it easier to select number combinations to play in your lottery game.
All Possible Number Combinations If you want to view every possible combination of numbers for your lottery game YOU CAN! We've generated all possible number combinations for most lottery games including Powerball and Mega Millions. The number combination data is stored in basic text files that you can open in Excel or any word processor program, such as Note Pad, Word Pad, Word and others.
Best Numbers - with Best Numbers we show you the numbers and patterns to play in your lottery game (based on our analysis results). Selecting quality numbers to play in your lottery game has never been easier!
Play Smart - Play to Win
Hopefully we have shown that there is more to picking lottery numbers than just randomly selecting numbers to play, or relying completely on computer generated quick picks. We believe that playing higher-probability numbers may improve your odds of winning.